Wednesday, July 9, 2008

You should be having this email by now

Hello S74!

here is your class treasury fund, Kevin Seng, speaking.

I am hereby requesting everyone to bring $20 to school, best by tomorrow.
This is in lieu of July's collection, as well as helping to provide reprieve for the escalating debts we are incurring.

Here are some of the debts:

$50 - Pearlyn, birthday Cake
$20 - Jeremy, Biology notes (DNA transcription + tutorials)
$20 - Celia, Biology notes
and others.

Also take note that now is a school term, so we need $$$ for our notes and tutorials. (We don't want to buy them, but we have to)

in addition, there are certain special people that have to pay in addition to the lump sum of $20.

Joshua Lim: $42 ( 2 months of class fund + $2 PW file)
Zeng Hao: $22 ( 1 month of class fund + $2 PW file)
Jeremy: $10 class photos
Celia: $10 class photos

Best Regards,
Kevin Seng

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