Monday, March 17, 2008

On Blogging

Come la, let the pro teach you what you can blog about....

Here are the top 10 things which you can blog about:
1) School work. Just write down all the homework that we have for the day, to remind others of them and also to release your stress when you get too pissed off by them. It really helps. [E.g. Maths test today and chem test on Wednesday, the March holiday that is totally not a holiday.]

2) Suggestions on how to improve class spirit. Whatever crazy initiatives that you are come up with. [E.g. the Founder's Day thingy can be discussed here also, on whether you like your role in the performance or not.]

3) Blog about lessons, what you feel about them. Whether particular lesson is interesting or boring, whether you successfully stay awake during lecture, and tell us how. Opinions on teachers, all the cold jokes to freeze the blog. (Why must we allow Chem practical to eat up our recess!!! Oh, and chemistry practical always got damn a lot of funny things happen one -- Someone did back-titration, and someone else almost got a L2)

4) What you think of the people in our class, anything interesting happened? Any jokes anyone said. Interpersonal relations. Whether you feel ostracized by the class, etc. [E.g. why must Edwin get the privilege to pon lesson today? Felix saw some black colour thing on the canteen bench and said it is someone's brother.]

5) Scandals!! Oops. This one no need me to say. A lot. Or you can just create your own scandal. Or you can like give lots and lots and lots of hints on this blog and let the rest of the class guess who is the person you like. Haha. Should be quite fun. Just like what Kwang Yueh and Benjamin always do to kill time during lectures.

6) Photo journal. It is for people like Rhea who just picked up cam whoring and for Zheng hao and Jia wen who are already cam whoring experts.

7) Interesting things you came across on the Internet. Hehehehe. I saw a lot of them watching interesting videos on youtube during class outing.

8) Tell us how sian your day was. Lessons, then break, then lessons, then CCA, then go home, then homework.... Then sleep, then the next day. Let's feel sian together.

9) Flood the blog with your emo thoughts? If you ever feel like breaking down, just come here to blog. Haha. the class will help you out, we are more pro than the volunteers from the Samaritans of Singapore, because we not only provide emotional support but also physical support by offering free hugs but no kisses, thanks.

10) Ok. If you really have nothing to write. Tell us what you are wearing now. Or comment on the teacher's dress sense.

There are 26 of us, 26 pairs of eyes and ears. I am sure at least one of you will have something to say every other day. Haha. Ya. So, is this enough inspiration for you to write the next blog post?

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